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Wednesday Small Groups

Men and ladies groups meet on Wednesdays at 6 PM Breathe group meets in the Morning at 9 AM.

Ladies Ministry

"This is a welcoming group of women who celebrate all that God has done and celebrating the bond we have with each other. Our goal is to grow as women of God, build relationships with each other, and to reach out to other women in our community to share God's love."

Nancy Flint lovingly leads this small group, empowering other women to lead as well.

Men's Ministry

Headed by Wilbur Berry and Ron Davis this group explores what it means to be a man of God and encourages men in their faith journeys through life-applicable studies and discussion.

Wilbur and Ron are both Elders and serve in many areas of Celebration Church.

Breathe (Moms' Group)

Breathe is a group for moms with kids of any age. Kristin King and Christina Dorris lead this group on Wednesday mornings.

Breathe is designed to encourage and strengthen women in the midst of motherhood. Women share, laugh together, pray and enjoy a devotion. Limited childcare may be available.

College and Career

This exciting new group meets at the lovely Sonja Harper's home on Wednesdays. This is for those who have graduated high school and are launching into their young adult lives. Contact Michael@celebrationjoplin.com for more information.